This blog is dedicated to educate and enlighten Zambian voters about Dr. Nevers Mumba's vision and why he is the right candidate and the right leader for Zambia.
Monday, December 26, 2005
President: Dr. Nevers S. Mumba
Deputy President: To be announced
Chairperson: Mrs. Eva Sanderson
National Secretary: Mr. Clement Micheelo
Deputy national Secretary: Mr. Cosmas Mpampi
National Treasurer: To be announced
Deputy Treasurer: Mrs. Miles Finnie
Chairman, Elections and Strategic Planning: Mr. John Ziba
Deputy Chairman, Elections: Mrs Lisa Passi
Chairman, Education: Edith Katongo
Chairperson, Womens League: Mrs. Isabel Ngambi Mumbuna
Chairperson, Youth League: Mr. Peter Mubili
Chairperson, Energy: Mr. Grier Mwanza
Economic Advisor to the President: Mr. Trevor Simumba
Note: Other positions are yet to be filled.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
New political party born in Zambia
"He will be a national coordinator of the newly formed Reformed Party," said John Ziba, Mumba's spokesperson, who is also interim chairperson of the new party.
Mumba was sacked from the ruling party after he announced his intention to challenge Mwanawasa at a party national convention in July this year.
"Mumba will be our presidential candidate in next year's elections," Ziba said.
Mumba, a charismatic televangelist, served as Mwanawasa's vice-president for only 14 months before he was sacked for causing a diplomatic row with the Democratic Republic of Congo.
He also contested the 2001 presidential elections under the ticket of the defunct National Citizens Coalition, but lost to Mwanawasa. He then quit his opposition party and joined the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy. -- Sapa-AFP
Friday, September 23, 2005
Reform Party
Jump to Full Story
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Diplomatic Passport - why was Dr. Mumba singled out?
Under the Chiluba administration, diplomatic passports were issued to several ministers and pastors given that they were considered “Ambassadors” representing Zambia in the global arena whenever they travel abroad.
We see nothing wrong with that. What we take issue with is the way in which the Mwanawasa administration went after Dr. Mumba in regards to his possession of a diplomatic passport. Dr. Mumba informed the Ministry of Home Affairs that he would return his diplomatic passport on returning to Zambia which he has done. What was the need to blow this non-issue and make such a public hoop-la about it unless it was politically motivated?
This clearly shows that the Minister of Home Affairs was indulging in petty politics.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Mumba asked to surrender passport
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Nevers Mumba Campaign To Be Launched
"I intend to launch in the next few weeks my campaign and that of most Zambians to liberate ourselves from the old politics of hate and imprisonment of opponents and a lack of delivery of goods and services.
I am aware that Zambians want a consensus president and government. I am therefore of the view that the next government must be a people's government which represents the various interests of the Zambian people.
My team and I will continue to dialogue with other opposition parties before launching our campaign.
I remain committed and determined to play a role in the healing process of my nation. "
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Friday, August 19, 2005
Mumba Calls for Committee to Pressurise Levy Over Sata Charges
At a reception to honour him, co-sponsored by the Pennsylvania Centre for International Exchange and Partnership (PCIEP) and the Lancaster Country Action at Eden Resort Inn, Pennsylvania on Saturday, Pastor Mumba also said tolerance of corruption and abuse of democratic values by the current administration had taken Zambia backwards. Full article....
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Where the truth lies
"WE are wedded to lies and forced to live with them; that is why it seems that we are overwhelmed when we hear the truth.
We seem to live in a country where people can promise anything and deliver nothing but still get away with it.
We seem to live in a country where people can lie about very important things and still get away with it without being challenged by anyone.
We seem to live in a country of words and not actions. Yet we have been told that doing is the best way of saying and that living is the best way of showing what we believe in. It is said that words without deeds are worthless."
The Post editorial describing how the MMD And Mwanawasa Can't Survive Without Corruption
Friday, July 15, 2005
Dogs Have Invaded Zambian Politics
"It seems politics in Zambia has really gone to the dogs, or rather as others would say, the dogs have invaded Zambian politics."
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Kavindele hoping to challenge Mwanawasa
Kavindele told reporters in Lusaka on Tuesday he had decided to seek the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) presidency after the party suspended polls for the position of vice president amid a deepening row over graft.
Kavindele said he would defy resolutions by eight of Zambia's nine provinces that Mwanawasa be the sole presidential candidate - automatically making him the party's choice for national presidential elections next year.
More from source: IOL: Kavindele hoping to challenge Mwanawasa.
Political Party Members' Expulsions
It appears most of our politicians still lack real education on democratic principles. The continued suspension of opponents to those at the helm of power has been evident in the last 15 years of proclaimed democracy. It appears many in Zambian political parties believe democracy is holding national or parliamentary elections only.
Yet democratisation is not only a concept, nor is it synonymous with multi -partyism. It is rather concerned with certain conditions of things, conditions such as a virile civil society, a democratic society, a free society, a just society, equal treatment of all citizens by the state, an ordered, stable society, a society infused with the spirit of liberty, democracy, justice and equality.
No society qualifies as democratic, representative, and progressive until there is free and voluntary participation of all its citizens in all spheres of life. The human rights of individuals and groups should be protected. Everyone should be allowed to express their opinions and join the political, religious or civil groups of their choice. All people should be treated equally and without discrimination and be given equal opportunities.
It is not only their right, but it is their duty. Citizen participation may take many forms including standing for election, voting in elections, becoming informed, debating issues, attending community or civic meetings, being members of private voluntary organizations, paying taxes, and even protesting. Participation builds a better democracy. In Zambia I have seen this not to have been the case. So long as one threatens those at the helm of power it means ones rights cannot be exercised.
I have noted, as most Zambians may have done so, that Zambia's political parties are still far away from assimilating the principles of democracy. They have often tended to be more divided as a party whenever a convention approaches. A sign that tolerance, openness, accountability, freedom of expression and association, above all, equal opportunities are not their priority but a prerogative of those in control.
The Zambian political parties needs respect for human, social, and economic rights as well as civil rights if democracy is to take hold, for democracy cannot survive in a context of stark polarization among political competitors.
In particular, the MMD has existed for close to 15 years now, more so, claims to be the pioneer of democracy and yet each of it's conventions are dogged by allegations of abuse of civil and political rights of its membership. Does this explain the eventual approach by its leadership concerning civil and political rights of the citizenry countryside? If so, how then can Zambia's democracy flourish when the tenets of it lack it? It is time political parties that claim to be democratic exercised the principles of democracy within political structures.
This implies allowing all members of political parties their civil rights to contest for any position and campaign without fear in their political parties. Other than this, I see no democracy in Zambia. Thence the eventual tramping on NGOs, Media, Opposition and the Civil Society.
Source:ZambiaSossa: Political Party Members' Expulsions
Monday, July 11, 2005
Web closes on Africa's dirty deals
The website was launched jointly by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) Organised Crime and Corruption Programme and the Institute for Democracy in SA (Idasa) Political Information and Monitoring Service.
Source IOL
Corruption claims shake Zambia's ruling party
"Zambia's ruling party has expelled a senior member and popular politician over allegations of corruption just days before the start of a national convention called to elect a new party leadership, a spokesperson said on Monday.
Tipped to win the Movement for Multiparty Democracy's (MMD) vice-presidency at the convention starting on Wednesday, Austin Chewe was axed on Sunday night by the national executive committee in a move that could split the party."
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Kitwe Press Club Banned
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Zambia's 'stolen' £13m is frozen
Lawyers for the Zambian government claim that Frederick Chiluba and his associates deposited $24 million (£13 million) of assets in London bank accounts, and have obtained an order from the High Court to freeze the assets while the case is heard.
The allegation of theft is strongly denied by Chiluba - who led the southern African country until 2001 - and the other defendants. They insist that the money was obtained legitimately." Continued......
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Levy's Attempt to Silence Zambians Will Boomerang
It seems in their desperation to hide their heinous deeds, they have now resorted to a systematic campaign of repression. They want to shut any mouth that opens up to expose the crimes of their league. They have started a reckless and dangerous assault on our people's freedom of speech and that of expression. They don't even seem to care that this is a constitutionally protected fundamental right. What of the summoning of people every day to police stations to be questioned on what they said on some radio programme or on what they were quoted to have said in some newspaper, or indeed on what was published under their by-line over the last few weeks? Why are they in such a frenzy? What are they trying to hide that is worrying them so much that if the people come to know, they may lose their manliness? What is it? Whatever it is, it must be a very big transgression, a gigantic crime." More from source.....
related posts on Zambia
Journalist charged with sedition in Zambia for giving the fax
Mukwita is the Cape Times correspondent in Zambia.
He was questioned over a fax he read out during a prime time radio programme he hosts on Lusaka's privately owned Radio Phoenix on June 10.
The fax was signed by 'annoyed Zambians' who cautioned President Levy Mwanawasa that he would 'slide the country into anarchy' if he did not listen to Zambians over various social, political and economic issues. "
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Govt Pursues Nevers Over Diplomatic Passport
And police yesterday questioned Radio Phoenix's Face The Media programme presenter Anthony Mukwita regarding a fax he read on June 10, 2005 from a listener that expressed fears that President Mwanawasa might slide the nation into chaos."
More from source:
Friday, June 17, 2005
Ruling Party Distances Itself From Attack On Newspaper
'We are committed to a democratic regime and believe in the freedom of the press,' MMD spokesman Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika told IRIN.
The Post, a privately owned daily newspaper, alleged that supporters of the MMD had attacked its vendors and confiscated copies of the newspaper at its printing plant in the capital, Lusaka, on Wednesday morning.
More from UN Integrated Regional Information Networks :
IPI Calls for Arrest of MMD Thugs
And Post Newspapers Limited circulation manager Elizabeth Nyirenda disclosed that suspected MMD cadres yesterday morning went wild grabbing copies of The Post from the vendors in Lusaka,Zambia.
In a statement from Vienna, Austria yesterday, Dr Fritz called for the prosecution of the MMD thugs. More from source...
Radio Phoenix Public Affairs Programme Host Questioned By Police, Fired By Station
Mukwita told MISA that a chief investigations officer for Lusaka Division and two detectives followed him to the MISA Zambia offices from where he operates and questioned him in connection with the fax, signed only 'Annoyed Zambians'.
'They demanded to have a copy of the fax, which cautioned the Mwanawasa administration to be responsive to the people's needs or risk throwing the country into anarchy through another attempted coup, similar to the one staged by Captain Stephen in 1997,' Mukwita told MISA Zambia.
Mukwita said the police wanted him to give a statement but he refused, insisting that he would only do so in the presence of his lawyer. The interview was done in the presence of MISA Zambia's chairperson, Kellys Kaunda.
In a related development, Radio Phoenix has terminated Mukwita's contract as of 16 June, citing his decision to read the controversial fax on the 'Let the People Talk' programme, among other reasons.
In a 15 June statement, Kaunda condemned the police action saying it was part of a grand scheme to silence the 'Let The People Talk' forum, the only platform available to the Zambian people to air their views freely.
Mukwita will be questioned again in the presence of a lawyer at the MISA Zambia secretariat on 16 June.
The fax was sparked off by a Radio Phoenix programme which broadcast a discussion of the state's 17 May decision to not proceed with its case against former health permanent secretary Kashiwa Bulaya. Bulaya was being prosecuted for alleged abuse of office involving the allocation of K3 billion Kwacha (approx. US$640,000) for the government purchase of anti-retroviral drugs from a Bulgarian company in which he allegedly has financial interests.
The state's decision had resulted in Bulaya's discharge, which was met by sharp criticism from "The Post" newspaper and other quarters.
On 14 June, Justice Minister George Kunda instructed Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Chalwe Mchenga to resume Bulaya's prosecution due to public outcry and the need to avoid anarchy in the country.
"Let the People Talk" is a popular interactive discussion programme on public affairs.
Media Institute of Southern Africa
June 15, 2005
Private press victim of deteriorating political climate
The press freedom organisation urged the Lusaka police chief, in a letter, not to allow the press to become a scapegoat.
"The press are often a convenient scapegoat when the political climate in a country deteriorates", Reporters Without Borders said in a letter to the regional police chief in Lusaka, Chendela Musonda.
"The two recent incidents reported in Zambia seem to us worrying in this context. The interrogation of a journalist and the assault on newspaper sellers are signals that we would not like to see repeated. That is why we are asking you, on one hand to ensure that the services that you are in charge of observe the strictest legality in dealings with the press and respect the principle of protection of sources of information. On the other hand, we have noted your actions aimed at punishing the perpetrators of the assaults on the sellers of the Post. We nevertheless ask you to see to it that these investigations are thorough and independent.
"Unless this happens, suspicion which would undoubtedly fall on the Zambian police, could aggravate a situation that is already quite unstable."
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Mwanawasa's ally to be probed once more
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Mumba Urged to Form Party As Sanderson Quits MMD
"MMD National Executive Committee (NEC) chairperson for lands Eva Sanderson has resigned from the party. And expelled MMD presidential aspirant Pastor Nevers Mumba's Copperbelt-based supporters have asked him to form his own party and not join any of the existing parties.
Sanderson in her resignation letter to MMD national secretary Vernon Mwaanga dated June 12, 2005 said that corruption at the highest level of the party and at the State House as well as undemocratic tendencies within the party were the reasons for her resignation."
Monday, June 13, 2005
Levy is Morally Crippled - Nevers
Speaking on the Face the Media programme on Yatsani Radio yesterday, Pastor Mumba also said President Mwanawasa, like Saul in the Bible, had fallen on the sword he was using to fight corruption.
Pastor Mumba said he joined government to help fight corruption and that he did his part with tremendous resolve.
He said President Mwanawasa championed himself as the father in fighting corruption but that what Pastor Mumba later discovered shocked him." More from source.....
Friday, June 10, 2005
Levy Should Stop Lying
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Zambia's Mwanawasa under fire on graft campaign
Opposition groups, diplomats and newspapers questioned Mwanawasa's commitment to fighting graft after the country's top prosecutor dropped proceedings against former health ministry official Kashiwa Bulaya." Full News Coverage....
Thursday, June 02, 2005
sticky web of political blogss
Draft rules from the Federal Election Commission, which enforces campaign finance laws, would require that paid political advertisements on the Internet declare who funded the ad, as television spots do."
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Mice and Men
Honestly, if the MMD does not wish to go in history as a corrupt clique, they have failed to show it.
Expelling Nevers Mumba is a shameless cope-out.
What makes men want to be mice?
perhaps it's so they have an excuse for any cowardly behavior; or maybe it's just because they like cheese.
To be a mouse, or not to be a mouse. That is the question. Whether nobler in the minds of many that the mouse is indeed the nobler, therefore the noblest of the nobles is the mouse. Therefore we should all chill and eat cheese...
Zambia ruling party expels former vice president
MMD national secretary Vernon Mwaanga told journalists on Wednesday that Mumba had been expelled for bringing the party's name into 'ridicule' and for lack of discipline." Full News Coverage:
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Mumba Will Not Silenced
"We are all witnessing the mutilation of democracy and the enslavement of the Zambian spirit. They are working to deny us the freedom of self-determination," Pastor Mumba said.
"When the freedom of choice is taken away from a human being, the human spirit cries out for relief," he said. "Our collective human spirit in Zambia is crying out for relief from those who are determined to suppress the freedom of choice."
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
MMD NEC ready to meet Mumba in court
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
The Truth Will Prevail
Mwanawasa is usually quick in responding to accusations and criticism, but on this occasion he has chosen to remain silent, and the Presidential Anti-Corruption Reputation Sinks.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Sweden Examines Opposition Petition
Friday, April 22, 2005
"Fear and Loathing" Among the MMD NEC
BusinessWeek Online reports "Lawmakers' fears were stoked several weeks ago, when reports surfaced that Abramoff might have information that could -- emphasis on could -- make trouble for some Republicans."
Leadership challenges are part and parcel of any democracy. Simply standing against the current president does not constitute disloyalty.
'To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.' - Theodore Roosevelt
It is not disruptive nor is it 'biting the hand that feeds you' to challenge the incubent President through a voting system. Expelling of Dr. Mumba from the MMD NEC is simply a desperate act by a rattled leader. This approach won't cut it in the absence of a full disclosure of the facts.
Our leaders will only be truly world statesmen once they learn to face up to challenges without fear of losing. Politicians who are fearful of new challenges are dogged by shoddy old fashioned habits.
I hope Zambians mature beyond personal politics and embrace issue-driven politics instead. We have enough information before us to draw our own conclusions.
We regret to inform you that the MMD National Executive Committee (NEC) has expelled Dr. Nevers Mumba from the MMD NEC and has postponed the MMD Convention.
This is a sad day for democracy in Zambia and should be protested in the strongest terms by all Zambians regardless of Party affiliation. We call on the international community to immediately investigate the circumstances leading to Dr. Mumba's expulsion from the MMD NEC. Donor communities and nations need to pay attention to what is happening in Zambia.
We have been warning for some time of the increasing threats against Dr. Mumba's candidacy leading to his suspension from the MMD NEC. Dr. Mumba has dismissed the charges against him and the strongest of actions has been taken against him by expelling him from the MMD NEC. We believe this action shows that the current MMD leadership will stop at nothing to hinder democracy in Zambia.
Dr. Mumba had firm evidence of electoral corruption and presented this to the MMD Leadership. In response, the MMD Leadership has expelled him from the NEC. This is corruption at its best.
Zambia is a free and democratic nation. The action taken against Dr. Mumba violates democratic principles and values and should not be allowed to stand. The people of Zambia will not stand for this.
Mumba for President Campaign Team
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Mumba Dismisses Charges Against Him
is alleged to have committed. Read more....
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Mumba is headed for landslide victory
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
I'm in Full Gear With My Campaign - Mumba
Pastor Mumba said his suspension from the MMD's national executive committee would not slow down his campaigns and that he was focusing on winning the party presidency." Link to story
Campaign material destroyed
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Debt Relief, at what price?
"Mumba had been given 10 days to prove his allegations against Mwanawasa or face unspecified 'sanctions."
What is this all about? Surely, we all know that Zambia is a very poor country. The reason we are rallying behind Dr Mumba is simply because we know that there no such thing as a free lunch. If all the nice people at the World Bank and the IMF are doubtful about our gratitude we shall remind them of how weary and tired we are about overburdening the international community with issues we can take care of on our own.
While the whole world is prepared to assist Zambians at this moment of great need, let's keep in mind that we, as Zambians, will payback by ensuring that we have the right calibre of leadership in place inorder to prevent the shameful, degrading and humiliating experience of relying on other people's sweat.
It will be a great day when the sympathetic and kind people everywhere acknowledged that their generosity is highly appreciated. The best way we can prove this as Zambians is by placing the right kind of leadership in position.
Mumba Suspension by MMD NEC Reeks of Foul Play
It is clear that the premise under which the MMD NEC has suspended Dr. Mumba is flawed and raises a lot of suspicions. Why? Dr. Mumba clearly followed MMD Party protocol when he submitted his letter on the allegations of corruption to the Party Secretary, Vernon Mwaanga. Someone in the MMD Secratariat has leaked the letter to the press. How can we determine this without much investigation? Read carefully the text of the article in The Post (April 8) regarding his suspension: "And when reached for comment, Pastor Mumba said he could not discuss in the media the contents of his letter because doing that would be against the party's procedure. He said if he had a complaint, procedure entailed that he complain through the national secretary. 'The national secretary has not replied, so I cannot say anything on that,' Pastor Mumba said. 'It is only when the national secretary responds that I will know whether or not I will be at liberty to discuss that issue.'
Key words: And when reached for comment. Dr. Mumba was approached by The Post about his letter meaning The Post had access to that letter prior to approaching Dr. Mumba for comment. So how did the MMD Party NEC come to the conclusion that Dr. Mumba leaked the letter to the Press? What proof do you have that it was Dr. Mumba who leaked the letter on which basis you have taken this action to suspend him from the NEC? We hold the MMD Party Leadership accountable to provide a truthful answer to this question.
The real issue now is who in Mr. Mwaanga's office leaked that letter to The Post? That is where the breach of confidentially has taken place. We call upon the MMD Party Secretary to launch a thorough investigation and identify who in his office leaked the letter to the press. Secondly, we demand that the suspension order be immediately rescinded. Dr. Mumba’s letter, which is now public due to the leak, contained highly confidential issues which he submitted, as per Party rules, to the MMD Party Secretary. How the letter was leaked to the press demands a thorough investigation and the truth revealed.
Our suspicions of the MMD’s attempts to squash and silence Dr. Mumba through threats and intimidation to force him to withdraw his candidacy has been confirmed by this latest action. The people of Zambia demand answers to the following questions:
1) Did the MMD Party President, Mr. Mwanawasa know about the leak and did he play a part in authorizing the leak to the press of his opponent’s CONFIDENTIAL letter to Party Secretary? In other words, what did the President know and when did he know about it?
2) When Dr. Mumba was dismissed in October 2004, he sent Mr. Mwanawasa a CONFIDENTIAL letter. Mr. Mwanawasa read that letter that was sent to him in CONFIDENCE to the press. As an attorney, Mr. Mwanawasa surely understands the issue of confidentiality. Then why did he deliberately read Dr. Mumba’s letter (that he sent to him in confidence) to the press? Mr. Mwanawasa also exposed confidential correspondence he had with former Vice-President Enoch Kavindele prior to his dismissal. Is there any reason to doubt that we have before us a repeat performance whereby another confidential letter from Dr. Mumba to the party leadership has been leaked to the press deliberately? The last time, it was the Party President. Who did it this time?
3) It is apparent to us that Dr. Mumba’s popularity has grown since his announcement. He demonstrated leadership and courage in coming out boldly to state to the nation that the current MMD Party President cannot win the 2006 elections. He laid before the nation why he was running for President ( He stated what many within the party have known for a long time but were afraid to state publicly: Mr. Mwanawasa was not a winning candidate for the MMD in 2006. Dr. Mumba exercised his democratic right to contest for a vacant position within the MMD Party. Is this yet another attempt to squash his candidacy at the Convention?
4) Is this latest suspension action by the MMD NEC a prelude to Dr. Mumba’s expulsion from the MMD party just before the May 4th. Convention in Kabwe?
We have noted that the suspension does not prevent him from contesting for any position in the Party. However, we are forced to conclude that his suspension from the National Executive Committee of the MMD is a sign of desperation by the party leadership to try to protect the incumbent at all cost. In so doing, those responsible for taking this action have violated all democratic values and principles. The people at the grassroots in Zambia will not stand for this.
We call on all MMD Party officials to immediately investigate the allegations brought out by Dr. Mumba of electoral corruption within the Party, thoroughly investigate and identify who leaked to the press Dr. Mumba’s confidential letter to the MMD Party Secretary, and immediately rescind the suspension order and continue Dr. Mumba’s membership in the NEC. Anything less would only increase the cloud of suspicion of foul play that now hangs over the MMD Party and the trust of the Zambian people in the ruling party would be lost.
And if the allegations of electoral corruption at the Presidential level prove to be true, the people of Zambia deserve to know about it NOW, not after the MMD convention in Kabwe on May 4th.
The world is watching.
Joshua Ngoma and Victor Chanda
Mumba for President Campaign Team
Dr. Mumba's suspension - Comments
There must be a national and international outcry about what is being done to Dr. Mumba in a democratice Zambia. How is he, as a candidate aspiring for national office, supposed to campaign when he is being suspended on baseless charges just three weeks before the MMD Convention? His popularity, especially among the grassroots, has continued to grow since his announcement. The MMD now faces the real possibility that Mr. Mwanawasa could be defeated at the Convention. This move on their part to suspend Dr. Mumba is wrong when several MMD leaders are on record as having made statements to the press. If those MMD officials can speak to the press expressing threats to Dr. Mumba, why is Dr. Mumba being singled out to be suspended for speaking to the media?
Dr. Mumba launched his campaign by stating that this was a test of democracy in Zambia. The MMD party is not living up to its claims to be a democratic party. And that is very troubling for a ruling party. The people of Zambia are tired of this kind of leadership. It is time for a change.
Josh Ngoma and Victor Chanda
Mumba for President Campaign Media Team
Nevers Explains His Suspension
Read more....
Saturday, April 09, 2005
San Francisco may regulate blogging
The growing influence of blogs
A newly-published white paper on blogs from PR agency group Edelman and marketing intelligence firm Intelliseek explores the importance of blogging for public relations and marketing, and provides a first-of-its-kind directory of influential bloggers, segmented by industry.
The report, Trust MEdia: How Real People Are Finally Being Heard (22-page PDF available for download from both firms' websites) says that in a very short time, the blogging phenomenon has drastically altered the business landscape and challenged traditional beliefs about the control of messaging by corporations, the media, the government, marketers and company stakeholders.
Media coverage of Africa
'We mustn't condone bad reporting in America which brings the bad image (on Africa). Please report correctly,' he asked journalists.
Kenneth Kaunda, the former Zambian president, laid the blame for Zimbabwe's current problems, especially those relating to land, at Britain's doorstep. 'Mugabe gave them (Britain) 10 years to put things right. They didn't. It is the British government which must be blamed, especially the present one,' he said.
I have followed western (UK, US) media's coverage of Africa for a while now. This biased approach has always been apparent to me. It's all you can expect from people who have nothing much to report on. On one hand Africans should be more responsible in deliverying well sourced information that provide a true picture of what's going on in Africa.
The lack of information flow produces a vacuum that is so easily exploited by people with vested interest in Africa.
Constructive Criticism
Friday, April 08, 2005
Nevers Accuses Levy of Electoral Corruption
In a letter dated April 4, 2005 to MMD national secretary Vernon Mwaanga, Pastor Mumba stated that his committee had received disturbing reports of blatant corruption of members, especially in Northern, Luapula and Copperbelt provinces."Read More...
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
MMD Tribunal Completes South Sittings
Mumba sure of defeating Levy
Friday, April 01, 2005
Is the MMD a democratic party? Their latest attempt to silence the candidacy of Dr. Mumba for the party presidency would seem to indicate not.
The article in the April 1 edition of The Post states that the MMD National Executive Committee (NEC) yesterday gave a FINAL WARNING to former vice-president and MMD president aspirant Pastor (Dr.) Nevers Mumba against conducting his campaigns in a provocative manner.
We find the nature of latest round of threats from MMD Party Leaders directed at Dr. Mumba to be very troubling. The words, “final warning” in and of themselves sound very ominous and we call on all Zambians, both at home and abroad, to take note of the dramatic underlying tone of this warning from the MMD NEC. We are particularly concerned by the ominous tone of this “final warning” to Dr. Mumba since it is comes on the verge of a nation-wide tour that Dr. Mumba is about to embark on to take his message of hope and renewal directly to the people of Zambia.
It is obvious to us that the MMD Party leadership is clearly seeking to intimidate not only Dr. Mumba but anyone who may know in their heart of hearts that he is a strong and viable candidate versus Mr. Levy Mwanawasa and would like to support him. It is a sad day for democracy in Zambia when Party Leaders threaten and intimidate candidates from seeking office by resorting to threats to viable candidates. You cannot fool the Zambian people. It is obvious that your threats to Dr. Mumba are also meant to threaten the people of Zambia.
The MMD NEC’s “final warning” to Dr. Mumba is alarming for several reasons:
1) Dr. Mumba is a bonafide member of the MMD who is exercising his democratic right to contest for the presidency of the MMD Party. He is an honorable member of the party who has served not only his party but his nation with honor as the former Vice-President of Zambia. To be issued a “final warning” by the MMD party leaders reveals clearly that the MMD Party claim to support democratic ideals is suspect.
2) Why is Dr. Mumba being referred to as an “outsider?” Is this how the ruling party in Zambia treats members? Aren’t members entitled to all the rights and privileges of the party? This nonsense of referring to Dr. Mumba as an “outsider” should cease immediately. Otherwise, every member of the MMD Party needs to rethink their membership in that party. Who wants to belong to a party that publicly refers to aspiring leaders in their party as “outsiders” and “visitors” who have no right to speak to the issues in the party?
3) The 1,333 delegates to the MMD Convention at Mulungushi Rock in Kabwe in May should ask themselves very seriously whether they can be proud to be MMD Party Members when their leadership is intimidating and threatening one of their own? If they are doing this to Dr. Mumba today, is it not possible that they will do the same thing tomorrow to any one of the 1,333 delegates?
4) To be given a “final warning” is tantamount to an ultimatum. So we are forced to ask the ones who issued this “final warning,” what constitutes a violation of your “final warning?”
Zambia is facing tremendous challenges as a nation. Since independence in 1964, Zambia has gone from being a breadbasket to being a basket case. Zambia is crying out for visionary leaders who can lead the nation out of this valley of hopelessness and despair.
The current President had five years to bring about change to Zambia. What has been done to revive our economy? What has been done to improve education? What has been done to improve our infrastructure? What has been done to make Zambia a respectable member of the international community? What has been done to eliminate corruption?
The current MMD leadership continues to display a pattern of intimidation and scare tactics. Dr. Mumba will not be intimidated nor allow these scare tactics to hinder or block his quest for the presidency of the MMD Party and the national presidency because he believes that we as a nation can do better. He is clearly the candidate who brings hope and vision to the table.
To the 1,333 delegates to the MMD Convention, you hold in your hands the ability to make or break Zambia’s chance to change for the better. It can only happen if the right leader is in place. We call on the 1,333 delegates to the MMD Convention to take your voting privilege at the convention seriously. You will be voting individually, not as a block. You will be voting by secret ballot and need not be intimidated or pressured into voting for someone you do not want to vote for. You have the most precious privilege in a democratic country and that is the right to exercise your vote as an individual.
We ask each of the 1,333 delegates to truly search your hearts and ask yourself who is the better candidate who can lead Zambia? Let us not forget that Zambia is at a crossroads. Zambia needs a leader who has the vision, the vigor, the trust and the ability to represent Zambia with pride in the international community. Zambia needs a leader who can restore hope to the Zambian people.
The MMD Party Leaders who have issued Dr. Mumba this “final warning” need to tell the people of Zambia why this “final warning” was necessary. They owe the Zambian people an explanation as to why they are treating Dr. Mumba with disrespect when he has served honorably as the former vice-president of the nation.
The issuance of a “final warning” by the MMD NEC to Dr. Mumba has raised the pattern of threats and intimidation toward Dr. Mumba to a new level. We have noted that the level of attacks against him has been steadily increasing over the recent days. We call on all MMD Party officials to cease these tactics of fear and intimidation toward Dr. Mumba. These tactics violate democratic values and principles.
We call on the current president of the MMD Party, Mr. Mwanawasa himself, to retract the “final warning” issued by his party. We cannot begin to imagine what is being said to Dr, Mumba behind closed doors. We can only conclude that Mr. Mwanawasa himself is approving the threats, scare tactics, and intimidation against Dr. Mumba and will be held personally responsible for whatever consequences may result for any violation of this “final warning” to Dr. Mumba, whatever that may be.
The world is watching.
Josh Ngoma
Mumba for President Campaign MediaTeam
MMD NEC Warns Mumba Against Provocative Campaign
The modern battles are fought with the whole world watching, and if the Zambian politicians do not want to be reduced to political pariahs of the world they better listen up.
This is not a divisive campaign, but rather, an open and fair way of tabling issues that matter to all Zambians. Take for instance;
"Sources within the NEC disclosed that Luapula Province MMD chairman Kennedy Sakeni had been the first to reprimand pastor Mumba and warned him that Luapula Province was a no-go zone for him."
I'm afraid to disappoint Kennedy Sakeni, he does not own Luapula province, the quicker he realises this the better for all Zambians. We are in a democracy and free to move as we wish. Kennedy Sakeni is old hat, move over.
"In an interview on Wednesday, Mwaanga wondered why pastor Mumba had resorted to using the press to air his concerns on party matters instead of following the right party channels."
Oh! forgive me for being ignorant, Mwaanga is not using the press to express his insecurity about Nevers Mumba's campaign. Really, how rich of him?
Mwaanga adds on...
'As a senior member of the party, I don't expect him to be informing the party through the press. If he has made those discoveries, why didn't he inform us or why didn't he wait for the national executive committee (NEC) meeting which will be held tomorrow (yesterday) at 10:00 hours?' Mwaanga said.
'Yes we must campaign, but we should do it in a disciplined way. If we don't do this, we are going to introduce anarchy in the party.'
Mwaanga should note that Nevers Mumba will not go to the press, websites or bloggers if the senior party members were listening. You cannot silence a credible voice purely because it challenges your old fashioned manners.
At last there is some sense, I think. We wanted democracy and, let's face it, unless we can cope with the responsibilities that comes with it we are toast. Shutting up people will not do.
Listen up everyone! We are watching you, the whole world is watching you...
Don't do anything stupid!!!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Nonde Speaks for Nevers
Nonde has said former vice-president Nevers Mumba should be allowed to stand as a candidate for the position he seeks at the MMD convention in May.
'We are very happy that Nevers has decided to stand,' she said."
The Zambia We all dream of!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
MMD Convention Update
The Response to Times of Zambia article provides clarification to issues raised in that article.
MMD Convention
Online politicking receives temporary reprieve
"Political bloggers would continue to be exempt from most campaign finance laws, according to highly anticipated rules that federal regulators released Wednesday.
The Federal Election Commission also proposed that online-only news outlets and that even individual bloggers should be treated as legitimate journalists and immune from laws that could count their political endorsements as campaign contributions. "
I have been trying get more information on this issue in the Zambian context. If you have any relevant information relating to this topic, feel free to share it.
Political Influence of the Blogosphere
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Mwila Advises Nevers
Mwila added that when he disclosed his intentions to challenge former president Frederick Chiluba for the MMD presidency in 2001, he was expelled from the party.
Mumba for President Campaign Team
"We would like to emphasize that he is an inspiration to Zambia's youth and his challenge and candidacy for the party presidency is a model and inspiration to Zambia's youth. We sometimes make the mistake of thinking of our political leaders as 'gods' who can work miracles. Dr. Mumba has said publicly that he has made mistakes...he is a human being. However, he has the skills to build consensus to bring about the right solution. He is not an opportunist. He cares deeply about the future of Zambia and that is what motivates him to say, 'Enough is enough. If I don't step into the ring, I may wake up one morning and wonder why I did not say anything.' He trully represents the future of Zambia. His pastoral credentials are not an impediment but an asset because he is a man people respect and trust and someone that can appeal across all barriers. He deserves our support.
Secondly, he is very interested in including all Zambians wherever they may be in the world. Though Zambia does not have absentee ballots, Dr. Mumba wants Zambians in every corner of the world to be a part of the democratic process in Zambia through his campaign. He is the first presidential candidate in Zambian history to utilize the internet to state his case. That shows forward thinking and the kind of person we want leading Zambia. It is a sign of things to come--where Zambia will be connected globally and move to the forefront.
Thank you for contacting us and supporting Dr. Mumba's campaign.
Joshua Ngoma/Victor Chanda
Mumba for President Campaign Team"
ZambiaSossa Discussion
Nevers Mumba For President

"I believe in Zambia. I also believe in the Zambian people. We have what it takes to move our country out of this valley of poverty and despair. History encourages us with nations that had sunk and yet through a unified resolve, ended up on top...There is hope for Zambia. Hope for us to transform ourselves into a prosperous nation."
Dr. Nevers Mumba